Flirting may be really tricky if you don’t know what and how to do. Some people are born flirty but others need some guiding to do well.

As you can expect our London escorts are masters of flirting by profession. And we choose the best we have seen on the scene of London. Some of them are natural as the example above, but others have achieved this with lots of practice. They are the proof that with work, practice and the right advice everyone can become a master of flirting. Well, being sexy like London escorts and having charm can help and never disregarded.
In this article I will summarise the best practices and advises of our experienced London escorts. Have a look what the professional flirters have to say and definitely try some of the advises. Not all might work for you, but following them will make you more attractive and successful with men.
The Way You Look At Men Matter
The master piece of London escorts from xLondonEscorts is the way they look at men. These amazing ladies are first gazing at their target for a bit longer and then glare slowly on the side. They say that this has to be done three consecutive times. And never bet on too long eye contact. This is one of the most common mistakes, say the specialists of flirting from London escorts.
So, how to proceed? When you meet someone new your eyes have to do a zigzag movement – first you look at his/her eyes and then move to the nose. If you are with friends you have to look under the line of the eyes including the nose and mouth. And the London escorts, who are advanced in flirting are extending their perimeter, including a part of the body. From time to time you may have a look at the mouth of your companion. But only once in a while. Otherwise you may make the person of your interest feel uncomfortable.
London Escorts Are Active And Advice You To Be As Well
No matter if you will say something special and directed phrase or you will touch the person, the flirt will pass into another level. But in order to attract the attention you have to be active, long are gone the times when the woman had to be modest and to wait for someone to notice her. London escorts would never succeed if they were passive and just waiting dressed sexy to be approached. This sounds more like prostitution, when the men is choosing a object for sexual intercourse. With London escorts men are choosing a woman to spend some quality time, to be seduced and to seduce. In this case they need a good companion that will excite them, not just a sex machine.
Back to being active. You have to be active and to look for an opportunity to get in her or his comfort circle, but everything has to be easy, delicately. Attention!!! Don’t be too aggressive.
London escorts of XLondonEscorts are warning us that if we are being to active we may scare the one that we are interested. That has happened so many times to all of us, when we really like someone and want to impress them. One light touch looking like accidental or a phrase that we dropped by a chance will arouse more than a direct marketing – said an experienced lady of London escorts.
Before You Touch, Test If They Will Accept You
From all the experience that London escorts have, even given the fact that they are sexy, desired women, never rush touching. The bold taking hand or touch of a shoulder can be taken for getting in someone’s personal space. Not justified one. Before you do something like that, it is better if you test the person in front of you. Try to understand indirectly if he or she is interested. If they are, for sure they will react positive to such an intrusion. But if they are not, this might be taken very offensive and may shut them down for you. All London escorts know that the comfort zone by rule is about 45cm.
A trick that these ladies are using is to stretch towards their target, commenting that there is another justified reason. For example to reach the sugar bowl, to reach the door or something like that. If he moves suddenly, don’t rush with your next step. But if he stays, that is a very obvious sign that he feels good when you get in his comfort zone. And you can go a step further in the seduction process.
The Smile Is The Charm Of London Escorts
The good flirt starts with eye contact but after that London escorts are turning the attention of their target to the mouth. Giving a tender smile will show the other person that they have your approval. The smile open another world, says London escorts. It is also a subconscious sexual invitation. When you smile you show that you are in good mood. And the open mouth in psychology is a permit to your private territory.
The smile has to be symmetric, not only on one side of the mouth. It has to show happiness and pleasure from the company. A very thin line here, advised from escorts in London is that if the smile changes to laugh and you tilt your head to one side, this is a serious flirt signal. Pay attention if you get one from someone.
The Contact Has To Be Light, Almost Unnoticeable
Even if you are the sexiest lady in the building, or the country, don’t think that the men against you is expecting you to jump on him and take his breath away. Even if he is crazy about you, that is not the first thing that will cross his mind. According to the stunning London escorts of XLondonEscorts, all unnecessary touching can take you further apart from your object. Most exciting are the electric signals, that pass through the body from the light, accidental touches. Your leg is touching the leg of the person that you are trying to seduce. But not to support to his leg.
Here I can say that our London escorts are the masters. They have proven time and time again how good they are in flirting and especially this part with the accidental touching. I have watched them in action hundreds of time and I can see the electricity that goes on between London escorts and their customers, while she is just lightly touching them. From the side you won’t say some obvious touching, holding or leaning on him.
Asking Questions And Making Your Object To Talk
Most people like to give advice, so don’t be afraid to ask for one. This is a great way to get his attention. London escorts for example are usually saying that they need to visit a hairdresser. They are asking the man against what hairstyle would suit them best. This question is not only showing that they need their opinion, but they also trust his understanding of style and beauty.
Make Compliments To Seduce, But Be Modest
Share with the person of your interest that you are like his shoes or perfume, that you love his shirt or something like that. Every single compliment made at the right time and the right way, shows that you are interested in this person. That you are interested sexually.
But don’t go too far again. Making too many compliments or such about physics may turn him off you. You know already that the direct marketing doesn’t work well in flirting.
Final Step – Make Him To Take You Out
That is the final and sealing the deal for London escorts step. Try to add in the conversation phrases that have the impact of “known commands”. For example while commenting a nice coffee shop or other popular bar, restaurant etc. you can mention something like that: “We can go and check it out together” or “Come to pick me up sometime and we will try it together”. These, so called “commands” by London escorts have to be clear and easy to understand. And it is very important that they are never in the form of a question.